5 Fun Ways to Welcome the Tooth Fairy

December 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Nicholas Capezio @ 4:43 pm
An AI picture of a tooth with wings holding a heart

Losing a first tooth (and any consecutive teeth) is an exciting time in a child’s life. It means they are growing up, and well on their way to a beautiful, healthy permanent smile. Don’t let this milestone go unnoticed! Here are five cool ways you can celebrate your child’s first lost baby tooth and welcome the tooth fairy to your home!


How Could a Pacifier Affect Your Baby’s Teeth?

October 15, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Nicholas Capezio @ 3:32 pm
Toddler sleeping with pacifier in mouth

For many parents, pacifiers seem almost indispensable. They can soothe fussy infants, promote sleep, and even lower the risk of SIDS! Certainly, these little tools can be useful, and there is nothing wrong with using them for your little one — but only up to a certain point. Pacifiers have a dark side; improper or prolonged use could negatively affect your baby’s teeth! This blog post explains what you should know.


Is My Child’s Tooth Pain a Dental Emergency?

August 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Nicholas Capezio @ 6:44 pm
Child has oral pain

Everyone has experienced some form of tooth pain, and severe cases may indicate an advanced dental infection that requires immediate treatment. However, tooth pain may also seem to happen for no reason and go away on its own or after a thorough oral hygiene session. Here’s a brief guide to tooth pain as well as a few tips for recognizing when your child needs to see an emergency dentist to prevent tooth loss and further infection.


Managing Oral Health with Down Syndrome

June 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Nicholas Capezio @ 9:13 pm
Child with down syndrome plays with dental toys

Oral health can be challenging for children with Down syndrome. Visiting the dentist and brushing teeth aren’t always pleasant experiences for them. But oral health often impacts general health, and you know should maintain good habits. You need some tips that are specifically geared towards your child and their disability.

Your pediatric dentist is here to help! Keep reading for in-office and at-home solutions for your child’s special needs.


Dental Dilemma: Who Should I Call About My Child’s Emergency?

April 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Nicholas Capezio @ 5:36 pm
Little girl in white shirt holding her hand to her face and sticking her tongue out in pain

If you have a child at home, you already know that despite your best efforts, emergencies can happen at any time. Unfortunately, this is true for their teeth, too. If your little one is showing or expressing signs of a toothache or has just had an injury, it’s natural to panic. You don’t want to see them hurting and know you need to act fast- but who do you call? Is it best to head to the nearest emergency room or is it better to contact their pediatric dentist?

If your child has had a dental emergency and you’re not sure of the best next steps, keep reading to learn more!


Unfriendly Fractures: Will My Child’s Chipped Tooth Heal Itself?

February 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Nicholas Capezio @ 3:17 pm
Dentist examining girl's teeth while mom looks on

Dental emergencies in children can occur at any time, despite your best efforts. Even if you have them brushing and flossing daily, you never know when your child might bite into something too hard and chip a tooth. If it’s a minor fracture, you might think it’s not a big deal. Some parents in this situation don’t take their little one to see their pediatric dentist right away because they figure that a small break doesn’t need to be addressed immediately. Others assume it’ll eventually heal on its own so it’s not worth the cost of visiting their dentist.

But will your kid’s chipped tooth actually take care of itself in time? Keep reading to find out!


From the Mouths of Babes: What to Do if Your Child Knocks Out a Tooth

December 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Nicholas Capezio @ 10:06 pm
Smiling child

While children are wonderful and lovable beings, they can also have poor hand-eye coordination and have a knack for getting into trouble. Kids are known to roughhouse, ride bikes too fast down hills, and play contact sports without the proper protective equipment, and all of these things can lead to a tooth getting dislodged or another dental emergency. Here’s how to handle your child knocking out a tooth and how to get them the professional dental help they need.


Interesting Oral Health Facts for Nursing Parents

September 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Nicholas Capezio @ 6:11 pm
Smiling mother holding and snuggling baby

Becoming a new parent comes with a host of choices to make, one of the earliest being whether to breastfeed or use formula. Whatever path you choose, it’s vital to recognize that infant dental care begins early in life. Continue reading to learn about some fascinating insights from a pediatric dentist about the relationship between nursing and oral health so you can better understand the importance of early dental care for your little one.


Then and Now: The History of Pediatric Dentistry

July 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Nicholas Capezio @ 6:09 am
Young girl high-fiving dentist in dental exam room

Pediatric dentists are dedicated to protecting and maintaining your child’s teeth, gums, and mouth from infancy to adulthood. However, it wasn’t always a focus. That being said, now that pediatric dentistry is available, there’s nothing better for your child’s smile. Here’s all about the history of pediatric dentistry and why your child should see a specialist to better protect their oral health.


Why Your Teen Should Still See Their Pediatric Dentist

March 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Nicholas Capezio @ 12:54 am
teen talking to their dentist

Pediatric dentistry is a unique specialty not just because working with kids requires some skill, but because understanding the needs of a patient with a growing jaw requires a fair amount of specialized knowledge.

When your child enters adolescence, they may want to make the switch over to seeing a general dentist; however, the expertise of a pediatric dentist can still be useful for them. Here are a few ways that your teen can benefit from still seeing a pediatric dentist.

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